New Building, New Name, New Lease of Life

As work progresses well on the old Government Buildings Site in Lampeter, Barcud is pleased to announce the new Business Centre will be called Creuddyn.

The new building, which is located approximately 250m from Nant Creuddyn will offer modern, state of the art business units for local business, the social care sector and charitable organisations and will be perfect for start-up businesses looking for premises in the town. It will be an exciting new community facility that will bring people together, help tackle social isolation, support jobs, provide training opportunities, and accommodate social enterprises. 

Tai Ceredigion (now Barcud) purchased the building from University of Wales Trinity Saint David in March 2018 – and quickly revealed the exciting new plans to demolish the old ‘Government Buildings’ in early 2019. The project has been supported by Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme, Welsh European Office and Ceredigion County Council who share Barcud’s vision to bring the idea to reality.

Steve Jones, Barcud Chief Executive, said “For the residents of Lampeter, seeing the old ‘Government Buildings’ demolished was an end of an era. Our staff and contractors’ tireless efforts over the last 12 months has already given the site a new lease of life. With the aid of the European Regional Development Fund investment and Welsh Government Transforming Towns funding the project is bringing an investment of £3.2m to the town”.

Councillor Rhodri Evans, Ceredigion County Council’s Cabinet Member for the Economy and Regeneration, said: “I’m delighted that Ceredigion County Council and Barcud share a vision to support start-up and growth businesses, particularly in the Social Care sector. The COVID -19 pandemic has hit our rural communities extremely hard and is changing the way we live and work. Having business centres and hubs like Creuddyn in our rural communities will provide an exciting and new way of working to support local economic growth in mid-Ceredigion.”

Barcud is looking forward to starting conversations with anyone looking for business premises in this excellent location in Lampeter. State of the art units will start from as little as £50 per week. Meeting rooms and hot-desks will also be available on an ad-hoc basis. For an informal discussion, please contact Catrin Owen, Assistant Director of Customer Services and Partnerships by email