Tenant Liaison Forum Meeting
Wednesday 6th March 2024
11.00am – 2.00pm
Aberystwyth Town Football Club
Park Avenue, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 1PG
Meet staff from:
- Barcud Leadership Team
- Housing and Support
- Cynnal, Tenancy Sustainment Team
- Repairs and Maintenance
Come and hear about:
- The Barcud Monitoring Group
- Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 new contracts
- Damp, mould and condensation
- Barcud and the Chief Executive recruitment
- Help with childcare costs
- Free lunch and refreshments
Please contact Barcud on 0300 111 3030 by Monday 26th February to let us know if you will be attending,if you have any dietary requirements and if you require a taxi.
Barcud will cover transport costs on completion of a claim form
Please note the next Tenant Liaison Forum will be held in Newtown