Do you want to meet new people, learn new skills and help Barcud to improve the service it provides to you?
If so, these are some of the ways you can get involved:
Barcud Monitoring Group was formed following the merger of Tai Ceredigion with Mid-Wales Housing Association.
Members are tenants from across Barcud’s operational area and they usually meet on the last Friday of every month (except for August and December). They discuss any issues and concerns that have been raised and feedback any information they have been given following their monthly meetings with either Barcud Executive Team or members of Barcud’s Operational Management Team.
Members are involved in monitoring services throughout Barcud and below are some of the ways they do this:
- Phone surveys
- Estate inspections
- Inspection of empty properties prior to re-letting, to ensure they comply with Barcud`s “Re-let Standard”, which the Group developed
- Reviewing Barcud`s policies and Service Standards
The Group also
- Attend Barcud`s Board of Management meetings to ensure tenants views are heard at the highest level
- Present their views to the Barcud`s Board of Management regarding Barcud`s Strategic Objectives and members attend Barcud`s Business Planning meetings
- Provide regular articles for the newsletter and produce an annual report
- Decide on topics for the Tenant Liaison Forum meetings and Tenant Conference
- Receive training
- Attend TPAS Cymru events
- Respond to the Welsh Government’s and local authority consultations
With any of these options, Barcud can offer support and help, as well as training, if needed. If you want to attend a meeting, we can provide free transport, help with travel costs, and help with carer or child care costs.
If you are interested and would like to find out more please contact one of our Tenant Involvement Officers by: